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Photo @ Speaker Details | Kirsty Sword-Gusmao |
Tomei posse como Embaixadora de Boa Vontade para os Assuntos da Educação a 24 de Outubro de 2007.
Comunicado de Imprensa :
(Tetun iha okos)
24 OCTOBER, 2007THE PRESIDENT OF THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF TIMOR-LESTE APPOINTS MS KIRSTY SWORD GUSMÃO AS GOODWILL AMBASSADOR FOR EDUCATIONToday the Chairwoman of the Alola Foundation, Ms Kirsty Sword Gusmão, will be sworn in as Goodwill Ambassador for Education of Timor-Leste by President, Dr José Ramos-Horta.The honorary position gives recognition of Ms Sword Gusmão's tireless dedication to the education of the men, women and children of Timor-Leste to date, whilst also formalizing a future national and international role in promoting the Governmentís educational priorities."Education is our first priority in giving meaning to our new found freedom and is at the crux of every single development challenge facing Timor-Leste today. I desire a fully literate and multi-lingual nation, as without that we are condemned to poverty".Ms Kirsty Sword Gusmão graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in 1987. She completed her Diploma of Education the following year. In addition to her native English, Ms Sword Gusmão is a fluent speaker of Bahasa Indonesia, Tetum and Portuguese.Her passion for all spheres of education has seen Ms Sword Gusmão invest in the education of women and children through the programs of the Alola Foundation, including maternal and child health, economic empowerment and educational scholarships. As President of the Board of Trustees of the Dili Institute of Technology, she has contributed to the strengthening of the institution through the securing of resources and scholarship opportunities. She has actively raised monies and awareness internationally of the enormity of the educational challenges facing Timor-Leste. Libraries and schools bear her name from Dili to Baucau in honour of her contributions. Ms Sword Gusmão is Patron or board member of over nine other organizations dedicated to educating the people of Timor-Leste, a remarkable achievement for one woman whose most important educational quest is that of raising her three young sons, Alexandre, Kay Olok and Daniel.In her capacity as Ambassador for Education, Ms Sword Gusmão will represent Timor-Leste at international fora where education and educational needs are the focus and facilitate dialogue between key stakeholders, including the government, Church, international and national non-government organizations. Her priority is to ensure that education remains the most important undertaking in combating poverty in her adopted homeland.The Ambassador for Education is an honorary position and sits outside the organisational structures of the Office of the President and the Government of RDTL. The Ambassador receives no personal remuneration."I am humbled by this extraordinary gesture of the President of Timor-Leste and am grateful to serve the people of Timor-Leste by actively promoting the right of all to a quality, modern and relevant education"."I would like to dedicate this position to the mothers and fathers of Timor-Leste. Those who are responsible for guiding and supporting their children in their educational pursuits in the face of overwhelming hardships. To the teachers who remain committed to furthering their training. And to all who celebrate knowledge as the path to enlightenment".Further information: Jenny Coles Email: pa_ksg@alolafoundation.org Tel: +670 732 1288
KIRSTY SWORD GUSMÃO SIMU POSSE NUDAR EMBAIXADORA BA EDUKASAUN HUSI PRESIDENTE RDTL, DR JOSÉ RAMOS-HORTA24 Outubro, 2007Ohin loron Senhora Kirsty Sword Gusmão, Presidente Fundasaun Alola, sei simu posse nudar "Embaixadora ba Edukasaun" husi Presidente RDTL, Dr José Ramos-Horta.Posizaun honoraria ida ne'e fo rekonhesimentu ba Kirsty Sword Gusmão nia servisu to'o agora hodi promove edukasaun ba mane, feto no labarik Timor oan sira no mos formaliza papel ida ba nia hodi promove governu nia prioridades ba sector edukasaun iha rai laran no mos iha tasi balun. Kargu Embaixadora ba Edukasaun, posisaun honoraria ida i la tama iha estruturas organizasionais, nem husi Gabinete Presidente nian, nem husi Governu RDTL nian. Embaixadora sei la simu remunerasaun husi posisaun ida ne'e.Sra Kirsty Sword Gusmão hetan graduasaun husi Universidade Melbourne, nudar Bachelor Arte (ho Honra) iha 1987. Nia completa nia Diploma Edukasaun iha tinan tuir mai. Hatutan ho nia lian nativu (rasik) Ingles, Sra Sword Gusmão mos kolia fluentemente (mos no lais) Bahasa Indonesia, Tetum no Portugues."Edukasaun hanesan prioridade primeira ka numero um iha ita nia esforsu atu fo valor ba ita nia independencia nacional. Xave ba desafiu desenvolvimentu hotu-hotu neíebe ita enfrenta mak Edukasaun! Ha'u mehi ho nasaun ida ne'ebe laiha ema analfabetu, ha'u mehi ho nasaun ida ne'ebe hakoak lian barak (multi-lingual) tanba ha'u hatene katak karik ita la konsegue realiza mehi ida ne'e, nasaun Timor-Leste sei kiak nafatin".Nudar Presidente Conselhu Administrasaun DIT (Instituto Teknologia Dili) nian, Kirsty Sword Gusmão kontribui hodi fo kbiit no fornese rekursu no bolsa de estudo balun ba instituisaun ida ne'e. Para alem de ida ne'e, Sra Sword Gusmão sai "pelindung" ka membru konselhu de administrasaun iha organizasaun sia (9) seluk tan, inklui Rede Feto Timor-Leste."Ha'u hakarak atu dedika posisaun ida ne'e ba Inan no Aman sira iha Timor-Leste tomak. Inan Aman sira mak simu responsibilidade atu lori no fo apoiu ba labarik sira, iha sira nia objectivos kona ba edukasaun, maski hasoru difikuldades ne'ebe boot tebes. Ba mos Mestre sira ne'ebe kaer metin kometimentu atu hadia nafatin sira nia kbiit atu hanorin. I ba mos ema hotu-hotu ne'ebe fiar katak matenek mak lori ba naroman".Kontaktu:Ms Jenny ColesEmail: pa_ksg@alolafoundation.org Tel: +670 732 1288
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